Clubs and Associations

Ballarat Chess Club

Thursdays, 6.30pm The Humffray Room

Patrick Cook – Club President
Tel: 0499 255 240

The Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute began hosting the Ballarat Chess Club 153 years ago, an event published in The Ballarat Star on Friday March 10, 1865.  Since that time the club has moved around town to various locations, but since January 2016, we’ve come home and settled back into the Hooper Room.

Locals of all ages gather on Thursday evenings from about 6:30 to enjoy social and competitive chess, in the friendly and comfortable environment of the Hooper Room.

Membership for all juniors is free, and it is free for all to come and give it a tryout.

All the information you need about chess in Ballarat can be accessed at the Ballarat Chess Club web site –

Contact information is available here:

We look forward to seeing you over the board!

Ballarat Chess Club Events

Ballarat Film Society

The Ballarat Film Society is a member of the Federation of Victorian Film Societies and is a not-for profit organisation.

Films play on the second Thursday of every month (unless otherwise specified) in the Minerva Space. Doors open at 7pm with refreshments for a 7.30pm start.

Please note, no single entry tickets are available.

Entry by Membership only.


12 months – Feb-December: $60
6 months – Feb-June or July-Dec: $30

To join or renew your membership, please e-mail or phone Angus McLachlan (5374 2474), or come with cash on the night.

Membership can be paid by bank transfer or with cash.

Online banking:
Ballarat Film Society
BSB 633-000 Acct No. 108713355 (include surname as reference).

For film enquiries, phone Sue Nunn: 5341 2266

Visit the Ballarat Film Society website at:

All films are subject to availability. If there is no next film shown below it means the BFS is working on next season’s programme.

Next Film

Book Clubs

Go to our Library page 

find out more contact the Library 

Why not register for The Reading Room

We also host other Book Clubs in the library, to find out more contact the Library 

Next Meeting & Library Events

Kadampa Meditation & Buddhism

Wednesdays, 7pm – 8.30pm
(check events calendar)


The Lending Library

These classes offer simple, practical methods to improve the quality of our life and develop inner peace through meditation and Buddhist teachings. Classes consist of two guided meditations and a teaching to help us solve our daily problems and find the lasting happiness we seek.

Beginners welcome.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia (Ballarat Branch) | 0455205589
ABN 86 114 195 550
KMC Australia is a not-for-profit organisation

Cost: $15 non-members | Free for members, no bookings required.

illustration of praying buddha

Kadampa Events

BMI News

Views: 348
Christmas Holiday Closures | Library

Monday 23 December – Sunday 5 January

Devonshire Tea & Fashion Parade

Bubbly on arrival & Featuring quality items from our Vintage Shop | $60

The Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute 2025 Calendar

Featuring the BMI Image Collection | Now $20

Tax Deductible 

Your gift will be tax-deductible this financial year if you make it before June 30.

We need
your help.

2024 End of Financial Year Appeal 

Or alternatively go to our Donations web page.

Our Challenge

Like many organisations the BMI faces significant funding challenges. 

We thank you for your support.

BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing