2021 Victorian Pinup Pageant

BMI - Minerva Space 117-119 Sturt Street, Ballarat Central, VIC

Welcome to the Victorian Pinup Pageant which is the first in a series of Pinup Pageants around Australia leading to the first Australian Pinup Pageant. A performance based presentation celebrating all aspects of vintage & retro nostalgia. Categories: Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Glamourbilly, Geekabilly & a Coupleobillys. Who will win "The Victorian Pinup Pageant" 2021?

Victorian Pinup Pageant 2023 & Revue de Ballarat

BMI - Minerva Space 117-119 Sturt Street, Ballarat Central, VIC

Welcome to the 7th Annual Victorian Pinup Pageant. Held during the Ballarat Heritage Week. @12pm The Victorian Pinup Pageant (segment of the Australian Pinup Pageant) is a celebration of Pinups in a performance-based presentation where entrants can achieve their personal best. Open to Novice & Experienced competitors. ALL categories are Gender Neutral. The Pageant promotes […]

portrait of author with book cover

Australian Heritage Festival

Natasha Lester in conversation

1 May at 6pm

guides dressed in period costum

Australian Heritage Festival

Minerva's Secrets

25 April – 2 tours: 7.30pm & 9.30pm

portrait of author with book cover

Australian Heritage Festival

Natasha Lester in conversation

1 May at 6pm

Dame Nellie Melba Birthday Celebration

Fundraising Dinner
17 May. 

  Performance – 18 May.

Ballarat Heritage Festival Events at the BMI

16 to 25 May 

Connections to War from a Ballarat Perspective

Wed 2-30 April, 5.30pm

Australian Heritage Festival Events at the BMI

18 April to 18 May

Dame Nellie Melba Birthday Celebration

Fundraising Dinner
17 May. 

  Performance – 18 May.

Christmas Holiday Closures | Library

Monday 23 December – Sunday 5 January

Devonshire Tea & Fashion Parade

Bubbly on arrival & Featuring quality items from our Vintage Shop | $60

The Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute 2025 Calendar

Featuring the BMI Image Collection | Now $20

Tax Deductible 

Your gift will be tax-deductible this financial year if you make it before June 30.

We need
your help.

2024 End of Financial Year Appeal 

Or alternatively go to our Donations web page.

Our Challenge

Like many organisations the BMI faces significant funding challenges. 

We thank you for your support.

BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing