guides dressed in period costum

Minerva’s Secrets | Ballarat Heritage Festival

Minerva’s Secrets night tours continue to be overshelmingly popular, during the Ballarat Heritage Festival, each of the 4 sessions was sold out which is a testament to the tour guides (Katrina Hill and Tim Harris) and their research material (Under Minerva’s Gaze: Phil Roberts & Jill Blee).

If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience these tours with a difference keep an eye on upcoming newsletters and or our website to find out when they are on again.

Here’s some of the feedback.

“Hello! I wanted to send a message to day last night was great! We all really enjoyed it and learnt a lot! You and Tim bounce off each other well. I can’t believe your knowledge of Ballarats history, it’s amazing how much you know!! Anyway was great to see Emma too, but wanted to say well done, we really enjoyed it”

“Hi – My son was on the tour last night. He said it was great and asked me to let you know.”

guides dressed in period costum
Katrina Hill & Tim Harris | Photo: Jess Schroeter
Views: 7

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