Coming Soon | Human Designs, Zlatko Balazic & John McKee (aka Jack Morph) . Featuring the artwork of Melinda Muscat

Soft Launch

Hugh Williamson Foyer | This stunning installation will follow on from the work created for White Night. This installation however will be much more immersive. Launch dates coming soon…

Human Designs: Zlatko Balazic & John McKee  (aka Jack Morph) 
Both Zlatko & John have come from very different backgrounds. This has made for a highly fertile and vibrant mix of life experiences upon which to synthesis innovative design ideas, producing truly original artwork. As such, this creative process has involved the inimitable blending of various art mediums and new technologies. The organic, ‘morphic’ quality of our work has become our binding signature style. Presently our main goal is to engage our audience through direct, tactile light and sound displays, or what we like to refer to as ‘LightStations’. We can’t wait to see it.

Melinda Muscat
Melinda is a Flemish, Baroque, colourful yet dark Surrealist, working in the mediums of oil painting, drawing, mixed media sculpture, craft and digital painting. Many of you would be familiar with her work if you popped into The Ballarat Imaginarium at our doorstep.

Details are still being finalised for this installation so stay tuned to our website and our social media for information as it comes to hand.

The Wizard | Melinda Muscat

This projection wIll be trialled in the Hugh Williamson Foyer with a view to a more extensive future installation.

Views: 21

Originally posted 2024-01-30 12:57:47.

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