Exhibition | Not the Last Picture Show | Ballarat Heritage Festival

Hugh Williamson Foyer, Level 1

Just a year after the Lumière brothers invented the cinematograph in 1895, the first screenings of this new technology of 'moving pictures' were held at the Mechanics' Institute. By the 1970's, cinema's death was being heralded after the devastating impact of television and the attraction of the drive-in, making the BMI's Vegas 70 for a […]


Day Tour of the BMI | Ballarat Heritage Festival

Lending Library 117-119 Sturt Street, Ballarat Central, Victoria, Australia

A colourful history of the Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute and it’s people. By appointment only, (to organise a volunteer guide we require 24hrs notice). Group Tours: Group tours can also be accommodated on other days.


The Drinks That Made Ballarat

Itinerant Spirits The Goods Shed, Lydiard Street North, Ballarat

The Drinks that Made Ballarat l Ballarat Heritage Festival An all-drinking, all-eating exploration of the booze-fuelled birth of colonial Ballarat. Starting with a native botanical cocktail and snacks at Ballarat’s newest distillery, Itinerant Spirits, your expert guides - award-winning food and wine writers Richard Cornish, Max Allen and Ballarats own Zac Hill - will lead […]


BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing