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History; The Ballarat Club & Trades Hall | Dr Phil Roberts OAM & Jenny Beacham

Bar open from 5.00pm | Talk starts at 5.30pm

Dr Phil Roberts OAM
Educated in Melbourne, during 1967-2002 was a secondary humanities teacher and Principal. In 1971 he taught in London and in 1984 Denver. Author of 21 books, his Avenue of Memories, won Victoria’s 2019 Premiers History Award. Currently, he is BMI Patron.

The Ballaarat Club, founded in 1872, was an exclusive gentlemen’s club – membership was mainly lawyers, bankers, graziers and military personnel. Later, the Club broadened its clientele to men of many occupations and interests and in 1997 women were first admitted. The Club’s history has many parallels with Ballarat’s history.

The Balllaarat Club 150th Year Anniversary Commemorative Book can be ordered here.

Dr Phil Roberts OAM | BMI Patron & Co-host of Twilight Talks

Jenny Beacham

Local history researcher, with a look at one of Ballarat’s most storied institutions, Trades Hall.

The History of Ballarat Trades and Labour
Council 1854-2000

A unique product of the goldfields, Ballarat Trades Hall participated in gaining the Eight Hour Day for Ballarat stonemasons in 1856, building that substantial Trades Hall, witnessing the emergence of their own James Scullin as Prime Minister and still remains -a battered but grand old tree.

Jenny Beacham – Born in the Mallee in 1938, I gained a teaching studentship to Melbourne University in 1956. Now looking back, aged 84, some of the standouts are becoming the first elected female Secretary of the Victorian ALP, being Lady Mayoress of the City of Melbourne, working in South Africa inside the ANC in the 1994 election, meeting Nelson Mandela, and running the campaign of the first indigenous woman Carol Martin, to be elected to any parliament in Australia. And then more recently there is the PhD and 3 great grandchildren.

Jenny Beacham

Image used of Trades Hall in Social Media Post

This image is from Our Collection of Max Harris Images (MH124)

MH 1887 | Laying Foundation Stone Trades Hall, Ballarat, 1887


Free | We are pleased to advise that this series is being supported by Community Bank Buninyong

Bookings are essential.

Proudly supported by

Community Bank Buninyong

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