News | Don’t miss these fine young scholars at the BMI this June | Melba Opera Trust
Sunday 4 June 2023 | 2pm The Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute…
The Reading Room
This volunteer run reading and discussion group meets monthly, the last Monday of the month, in the Heritage Reading Room (subject to availability) .
Members will select books to be discussed which will include fiction, non-fiction, poetry and short stories.
If you would like to be a part of this group (free to BMI members) please complete the Expression of Interest. We welcome your feedback through this form as we progress this member lead initiative.
Sunday 4 June 2023 | 2pm The Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute…
The Woman Woman Knew too Little by Olivia Wearne Rosemary’s…
Look Back on Languor: A memoir of a hurkle-durkle Australian…
Go to our events page to register your interest. Calling…