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Dr Frank Hurley OAM is well-known and highly respected in the Ballarat community, nowhere more so than in BMI circles has written a memoir titled Look Back on Languor: The memoir of a hurkle-durkle Australian male. The book will be launched at the BMI, in the Humffray Room, at 5.00 – 6.30 p.m. on Friday 14 April by The Hon. Steve Bracks, AC.

Frank reckons that the old Scots phrase “hurkle durkle”, meaning “to lie in bed, or lounge, long after it is time to get up” sums him up well.
Frank served on the BMI Committee for over 30 years till retiring in 2013. He was then BMI Patron for a further five years. He served numerous terms as President and as Secretary. He played a leading role in the restoration and revitalisation of the BMI in the ten or so years from 2000.
In other spheres, Frank was deeply involved, as a senior academic for 25 years, in the evolution of the University of Ballarat (now Federation University) and in the establishment of the University’s Arts Academy city campus in the complex of former government buildings on Camp/Lydiard Streets.
Frank lived some of his boyhood years in Howitt St, Wendouree. He attended St. Columba’s Primary School and St Patrick’s College before moving to Melbourne in 1952. With his wife Helen and their four daughters, he returned for a “second coming in Ballarat”, as his memoir terms it, in 1974. Over the 40 years since, he has been a prominent participant in social, political, cultural and educational affairs as a media commentator, writer, speaker and member of a wide range of committees and organisations.
With insight, candour and wit, in this memoir Frank recounts and reflects on his experiences, his beliefs, values and the changing times of his life.

The book will be available for sale at the launch and after at the BMI library, with 10% of all sales going to the BMI.
The launch event will follow the pattern of BMI talks. Light refreshments will be available and the bar will be open for purchase of drinks. Registration is not essential but it would be helpful if intention to attend was registered below or contact:
- Rosemary in the BMI library
T: 53313042 | E: or to
- Frank
T: 0400677855 | E:
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