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Join us for  Carols in Winter with The Ballarat Singers & The Little Brass Band | Audience Participation Encouraged.

An evening of fun good cheer and sing-a-long…It’s cold outside so what better way to warm up our minds and hearts than with carolling harmony.

We are thrilled to have The Ballarat Singers & The Little Brass Band to take us on the journey.


The funds raised for this event will go towards a gallery hanging system to display some of our wonderful collection of heritage photographs and other works of art.

Bar Open

The bar will be open from 5pm and to warm things up even more ‘mulled wine’ will be on offer.

Fundraising raffle

Bring along all your loose change and stand the chance of winning some great prizes on the night (Floral gift voucher, wine hamper and more to come…) Tickets $5 each or  $10 for 3.


  • First prize – Sunbeam Breakfast Essentials (toaster & kettle) and quality Michael Unwin Wines
  • Second prize – Boronia Florists Floral Voucher & UFS Natio Pack
  • Third prize – Chocolate, wine, & French, hand-painted tea towel & UFS Natio Pack
  • And more…

Competition prizes

  • Body wash & beauty pack
  • UFS Natio pack


A song-sheet and light nibbles (including fruit mince pies).


We are grateful for the support of the following organisations in the staging of this important fundraising event.


$10 per person | Tickets also available at the Library


Song Book
Ballarat Singers & Little Brass Band
Ballarat Singers & Little Brass Band
Little Brass Band
Ballarat Singers & Little Brass Band
Little Brass Band & Ballarat Singers
Little Brass Band
Little Brass Band
Ballarat Singers
The Conductor
Little Brass Band & Ballarat Singers
Ballarat Singers
Ballarat Singers
Ballarat Singers
Little Brass Band
Little Brass Band
Views: 2
Devonshire Tea & Fashion Parade

Champagne on arrival & Featuring quality items from our Vintage Shop | $60

The Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute 2025 Calendar

Featuring the BMI Image Collection | $40

Tax Deductible 

Your gift will be tax-deductible this financial year if you make it before June 30.

We need
your help.

2024 End of Financial Year Appeal 

Or alternatively go to our Donations web page.

Our Challenge

Like many organisations the BMI faces significant funding challenges. 

We thank you for your support.

BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing