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The Yarrowee: Uncovering the secrets of the Ballarat River

BMI Twilight Talks are back! The series is hosted by Prue Bentley.

Prue Bentley

Session 1  

The Yarrowee’s cultural connection: Then and now

Environmental challenges for the City of Ballarat

 “City of Ballarat Councillor Belinda Coates is passionate about the environment and action on climate change. She will speak about some of the key environmental issues that confront Ballarat and the need to think globally and act locally”.

Cr Belinda Coates

The Yarrowee River Project 

Between 1995 and 2004 the City of Ballarat together with a myriad community groups and government agencies took the opportunity to make huge strides in the implementation of the Yarrowee River Corridor Landscape Master Plan.

The Plan arose from recommendations in the 1991 Ballarat Region Conservation Strategy and was initiated in 2004 by the community-lead LINCS Committee under the auspice of the Ballarat Regional Board.

Hedley’s talk will cover the work achieved and includes a 12 minute video presentation.

Hedley Thomson | Former Environmental Manager, City of Ballarat


The bar in the Humffray Room (level 4) will be open from 5pm.

Tickets | Session cost

The session cost is $8 per person BMI members | $12 per person general bookings. 

Win a double pass to this Season’s Twilight Talks


What do you love about our Yarrowee River?

We’re collecting stories, pictures, and memories of life on and by the Yarrowee River for our latest series of Twilight Talks, focussing on this important local waterway.

Post your story or picture below, send a message to the BMI Facebook inbox, or complete the form below.

Each week from 10th April we’ll give away a double pass to that week’s talk.

So tell us your tales, and share your pictures!

Artwork Image: Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute | Max Harris Image Collection  | Albert Hall, 1953 | MH1615

MH 1615 | Alfred Hall, 1953
Views: 22