Elementor #42131


Event Type

Event Name




Mrs Forster | Models of Prize Fruits

Mrs Forster

Organisation Meeting

Anglican Church Assembly

Dr. Thornton.




Mr W. Edwards, B.A. : subject – “Crime! How Has it been Treated? How Should it be Treated?”

Mr W Edwards, B.A.




John Cathie Esq, MLA :Subject – “The Chemistry of Common Life”.

John Cathies Esq, MLA


BMI Class

Singing Class

Singing class practice

Mr Turner – singing conductor




Very Rev Dr Shiel: subject – “the Religions of Mankind prior to the Old and New Testaments” 

Very Rev Dr Shiel:




Very Rev Dr Shiel: subject – “the Religions of Mankind prior to the Old and New Testaments” 

Very Rev Dr Shiel:




Very Rev Dr Shiel: subject – “the Religions of Mankind prior to the Old and New Testaments” 

Very Rev Dr Shiel:

 Organisation MeetingMembership/subscribers meetingBMI
A meeting of intending subscribers for enrolling and nominating officers
Andrew Anderson, Hon Sec.
 Organisation MeetingAdjourned meetingBMI
Adjourned meeting of new subscribers and current subscribers to be held.
Receival of Committee report re suitable site.
Nomination of officers.
Andrew Anderson, Sec.
First of a course of lectures by Rev W. Henderson.
Address titled “The Life and Writings of Hugh Miller”
Rev W. Henderson
2nd in series of lectures .
J.R.Bailey Esq – subject – “The Life and Times of Alfred the Great”
J.R. Bailey Esq
4th in series of lectures.
Mr John Cathir: “Electro-astronomy, Illustrated with Powerful Apparatus”.
Mr John Cathir
Rev. George Mackie : subject – “Land and Labour”
Rev. George Mackie
Mr W Edwards, B.A. : subject – “Phrenology, Proved and Illustrated, Explained and Tested”.
Mr W Edwards, B.A.
 LectureFortnightly LectureBMI
Fortnightly Lecture
Rev Alexander Gosman: subject – “Shakespeare”
Rev Alexander Gosman
 Organization MeetingBallarat Philharmonic Society RehearsalBallarat Philharmonic Society
 BMI ClassSinging ClassBMI
Singing Class
 Organisation MeetingCommittee meeting.BMI
Committee meeting.
Vice President Anderson, Messrs O’Donell, Withers, Dodd, Playdell, Mackay, Stone, Mitchell, Halls.
Rev Mr Henderson : subject – “Robert Burns”.
Rev Mr Henderson
 SoireeFirst Anniversary SoireeBMI
First Anniversary Soiree
Mayor of Melbourne to preside and deliver an address on “The Social and Intellectual Advantages of Mechanics’ Institutes”.
Addresses also to be delivered by the Rvds John Potter & W. Henderson; the Very Reverend Dr Shiel; T. McDermott and D Gillies Esqrs.
Ballarat Philharmonic Society & German Leiderkranz to perform Glees, Madrigals etc.
Mayor of Melbourne, Rvds John Potter & W. Henderson; Very Revd Dr Shiel; T McDermott &
D. Gillies Esqrs.
 Organisation MeetingFortnightly Committee MeetingBMI
Fortnightly Committee Meeting
 Organisation MeetingCommittee MeetingBMI
Fortnightly Committee Meeting
A. Anderson; Messrs Lewis, O’Donnell’ Williams’ Lister’ Haggans, Pleydell, Stone, Caselli & McDowall.
Rev J. Beer (of Dunolly): subject – “Dr Livingstone, the Great African Explorer”.
Rev J. Beer (of Dunolly)
Fortnightly Lecture
Dr Kenworthy: subject – “The Poetry of Science”
Dr Kenworthy
1861BallBurns Birthday Grand Caledonian BallCaledonian Society
Burns Birthday Grand Caledonian Ball
Dancing to commence at 9 O’clock. Supper and refreshments supplied by Mr Walter Craig, Bath’s Hotel.
Stewards: Dr McFarlane, Mr James McCulloch, Mr Wm Boyd, Mr A.C. Kerr, Mr R.M. Dickson, Mr Samuel Baird, Mr Geo Munro, Mr G.G. Lorimer.
M.C. – Mr Henry Nugent.
Mr & Mrs W.C, Smith, Messrs Lewis, Dickson,Drysdale, Mitchell, Chambers, McCrovie, Pope, McIver, R. Smith, Greville, Caselli, Claxtern, Lorimer, Gray, Sumpton, Morrison, Cook, Finley, Gerard, Lester and others.
Mr & Mrs Campbell, Mr & Mrs Munro, Dr MacFarlane.
 Organisation MeetingGrand Fancy Bazaar Committee MeetingBMI
Grand Fancy Bazaar Committee Meeting, Consideration of steps to be taken re disposal of surplus goods from the bazaar – decided on a holding a lottery.
Ladies Committee: Mesdames W.C. Smith, Mather, Francis, O’Donnell, Lakeland, Little, Richardson, Rowlands, Ochiltree, Niquet; Misses Hollnad, Crees, O’Donnell, Waters, Tarter (2), Walters, Salter.
Messrs Smith, Lewis, Baker, Lister & Batten.
 LectureFortnightly Lecture. G.S. Gaskell Esq: Subject – “The Social and Commercial History of Victoria”BMI
Fortnightly Lecture. G.S. Gaskell Esq: Subject – “The Social and Commercial History of Victoria”
G. S. Gaskell Esq
Mr Anderson (chair – vacated)
Mr Vale (chair)
 BallBallarat Fire Brigade Anniversary BallBallarat Fire Brigade
Anniversary Ball
Chas Dyte, Hon Sec
 BazaarThe Bazaar for the Roofing od St Patrick’s Church Sturt StreetSt Patrick’s Church Sturt Street
The Bazaar for the Roofing
Also held 04/12/1861, 05/12/1861, 06/12/1861, 07/12/1861, 09/12/1861
Open 12:30 P.M.
 ConcertGrand Operatic ConcertSignora and Signor Bianchi
Grand Operatic Concert by the Bianchis.
Signor and Signora Bianchi; Miss julia Harland; Mr John Gregg; Signor Grossi; Linly Norman (conductor).
 LectureFortnightly LectureBMI
Fortnightly Lecture
Rev W. Wilson: Subject – “The Apostleship of Paul and Barnabus”.
Rev. W. Wilson
 BallOddfellows BallIndependent Order of Oddfellows
Oddfellows Ball, Independaent Order of Oddfellows
G.M. Lovett – B’at Lodge, Soldiers Hill; N.G. Williams – Victoria Lodge, Soldiers Hill:, N.G. Middleton, Hand of Friendship Lodge, Lydiard St; N. G. Retallick, B’at Lodge, Main Rd; Secretary Condy, Victoria Lodge, Eyre & Doveton Sts; Asst Sec Borrows, Ballarat Lodge, Barkly St; Brothers Randall, Sturt St; Paten, Armstrong St; Walker, 100 Main Rd; Crosbie, Armstrong St; W. Dawson, Main Rd.
Wm Layne Candy (Hon Sec).
 Organization MeetingAnnual General MeetingBMI
Annual General Meeting
Report on success of raising funds for the new building . Foundation stone laid by Henry Cuthbert, 28/9/1860.
During the year, 500 volumes were added to library – thinking now have 800 volumes and 120 volumes of Works of Reference.
Reports on lectures, classes, membership, grand fancy bazaar,donations, balance sheets. Report on election of officers and their numbers of attendances during the 28 ordinary meetings and 6 special meetings.
W.H. Butter (sec)
Mr Anderson (chair)
 LectureLectureRev W Wilson
Subject – “Restoration of Apostleship”.
Rev W. Wilson
 ExhibitionGrand Anatomical Museum

Kreitmeyer and Wisehart.
Grand Anatomical Museum
Containing above 200 wax models, illustrating every part of the human frame.
Open for Gentlemen only .
Open daily 11am – 5pm. Evenings (except Tues) 7pm – 10pm.

Dr Doyle – lectures.
Kreitmeyer and Wisehart – Proprietors.
 Political MeetingElection Address to ElectorsElection Address to ElectorsMssrs Gillies and Smith.
 SoireeSoiree of the Parliamentary ClubParliamentary ClubF. McComas (Sec), Mr Figgis (chair) Mr C. Dyte (chief sec), Messrs D. and A. Oliver, H. Pope, P. Cazaly, Dr Hickson, Mr McDowall, Miss Cazaly, Messrs Leavey and Turner.
1862Lecture BMI
“Oedematology, or a Disquisition on Swells”.
Mr J. H. Pope
 Exhibition Forster
Wax Models by Mrs Forster
Mr and Mrs Forster
 Organization MeetingMonthly Meeting of the Horticultural SocietyBallarat Horticultural Society
Monthly Meeting
John Lake, Hon Sec
 Organization Meeting 

Ballarat and District Licensed Victuallers Association
Half Yearly General Meeting

Reading and approval of the balance sheet, 1/2 yearly report & other business.

A. Sayers, sec
Mr Duncan, chair
 Performance Mr J. R. Black
Humour and Sentiment
Entertainments of National Songs
Mr J. R. Black
 Lecture BMI
The Lost Secrets of History
Mr David Blair
 Political meetingPublic Meeting of the Ratepayers of Municipal District of Ballarat.Municipal Council of Ballarat
Public Meeting of the Ratepayers of Municipal District of Ballarat.
“To ascertain the views of the ratepayers on the propriety of the private streets within the municipal district being formed and etc out of the funds of the municipality.”
Robert Lewis (chairman of Municipal Council of Ballarat)
 ExhibitionBallarat Horticultural Society Autumn ExhibitionBallarat Horticultural Society
Autumn Exhibition
Jno Lake, Hon sec.
 Organization Meeting 

Bible Society – Ballarat Branch

Annual Meeting of British and Foreign Bible Society

Henry C Watson, Hon Sec
Rev J. K. Tucker,
A. L. Lynn Esq (chair)
Reverend Messrs Cummins, Walker, Raston, Henderson, Gosnan, Strongman,
Mr A.S. Park and Mr John Grae
 Organization Meeting BMI
Annual Meeting
W. H. Batten (Sec)
 Lecture Mr Birnie
Third Lecture.
London Life and Celebrities
Detective Police in early part of this century
Comic sketches
Bench – Bar – Stage – Sir Richard Birnie
Anecdotes of George IV and such.
Mr Birnie
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly Meeting.
Mr Laidlaw to read a paper entitled “Every Man His Own Gardener”.
Mr Laidlaw
 Organization Meeting 

Committee Meeting

Committee recommended that the chess club be allowed, for one quarter, the use of no. 1 classroom on Wednesdays and Saturdays for the cost of the gas on the following conditions:
1. That all members of the Institute be eligible to the club
2. That the rules of the club be submitted to the committee for approval.

Messers Thos Lang (Pres), Vale, Lester, Birtchnell, Mitchell, Lewis, W.C. Smith, Martin, Pleydell, Elliott & Wheeldon.
 Exhibition Mr Sydney Cameron
Return of Bourke, Wills and King to Coopers Creek – A Waxworks Exhibition
Mr Sydney Cameron
1863BMI Class 

Subjects taught: English grammar, Composition, Book keeping, Arithmetic, Penmanship.

Classes held Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays at 7.30pm

 Bazaar BMI
Grand Auction Bazaar
Auctioneers – Messrs W.C. Smith,
J.S. Carver, James Baker, J.T. Oddie, Charles Dyte, M. O’Farrell, Henry Salmon
 Lecture BMI
“The Moon”
Rev J.E. Bromby, D.D., principal of the Church of England Grammer School, Melbourne
 Organization MeetingBMI Annual MeetingLicensed Victuallers Association
Half Yearly Mtg

Fellow Chemical Society
Aerated Bread Company
“The Bread We Eat”.

Describing the system of bread making, introduced to England, Continent and India, by Dr Dauglish.

Mr W. Vazie Simons Esq from the Fellow Chemical Society, London, delivered the lecture. Chaired by the mayor.
 Auction Signor Veroli
auctioning white carrara marble statues and oil paintings. James Oddie & Co. Auctioneers.
Signor Veroli, James Oddie & Co.
 Organization Meeting General Short Hours Association
Special Meeting
Operative Bricklayers and Carpenters & Joiners Associations Invited to attend.
Mr Marshall
 Exhibition Ballarat Horticultural Society
Ballarat Horticultural Society Exhibition Autumn Flower Show
John Tugwell (Hon Sec),
Mr Daniel Bunce, curator of the Gelong Botanic Gardens,
Mr Cordell of Geelong,
Messrs Duncan of the Wendouree Nursery,
Dr Kenworthy, Mr Wynne, Mr Adcock, Messrs Appleby, Walter Craig (President of the Society, Mr Thomas Lang & Co, Messrs Smith, Nicholls and Duncan
 Organization Meeting Ballarat District Victuallers Association
Annual General Meeting
Mr Gilbert Duncan – Pres,
Mr Shepherd – Vice Pres
Mr Watson – Treasurer
 Organization Meeting Rejoicings Committee
finalisation of accounts
Geo Fred Lockett, Sec, R. Lewis (chair), Messrs lovitt, Briant, Bradshaw, Turpie, McDowall, Higgins, Brunn, Doane, Cummins and Young.
 Organization Meeting Municipal Councils of Ballarat and Ballarat East
Appointment of Committee to Collect Subscriptions in aid of the Bridal Gift from the Colony of Vic to HRH Princess of Wales.
Robert Lewis, chairman of Ballarat Municipal Council & Frederick Young, chairman of Ballarat East Municipal Council
 Organization Meeting Ballarat and District Licensed Victuallers’ Association
Monthly Meeting
A. Sayers, Sec
 Exhibition BMI
Exhibition of Science and Art
 Banquet/ dinner Governor’s Banquet Committee
Meeting re the banquet dinner for Sir Henry Barkly
Mr Clissold (chair), the Police Magistrate.
1864Function Temperance Society
Grand Temperance Demonstration
Tea and meeting
Hon R. Heales, M.L.A. to preside
 Political meeting Dr Hope
, candidate for South Western Province, to meet electors.
Dr Hope
 Lecture Rev Isaas New
to deliver lecture on “The Battle of the Bible”. Was to be delivered 1/11/1864, but missed the train.
Rev Isaac New
 Soiree. St Peter’s Church
A social meeting to receive the Bishop of Melbourne – Rt Rev Dr Perry.
An address and tea. Profits to St Peters Church building funds.
 Political meeting Address by Mr. R. Lewis, parliamentary representative for Ballarat West (MLA). 
 Organization Meeting Licensed Victualler’s Association
Monthly mtg
 Exhibition BMI
Viewing of books.
500 books from London for the library over 2 days.
 Church Service St Paul’s Church
Rev J.K. Tucker of Sydney to conduct service
Rev J.K. Tucker
 Organization Meeting Licensed Victuallers Association
Monthly meeting
Messrs Duncan, Young, Smith, Robson, Lowe and Dalveen.
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Hospital
General Meeting.
Governors and subscribers of the hospital. Replacement of Mr A.S. Park by Mr W.C. Smith; and Mr Usher by B. Hepburn.
 Organization Meeting Licensed Victuallers Association
Monthly general mtg
 Lecture Dr Hickson
“What is a Ghost?”
Farewell lecture at the request of friends before departing to India.
Dr Hickson
1865Organization Meeting Debating Club
Various debating club meetings
 Organization Meeting Ballarat District Licensed Victuallers Association
General Mtg
 Concert Burke, Wills and Gray Monument Fund
Ball & Amateur Ethiopian MinstrelsConcert in aid of Burke, Wills and Gray
Mrs Silverblock & Saul Solomon Esq & E.J. Piper
 Organization Meeting United Demonstration Committee
Bazaar and Ladies’ Committee Mtg
 Political meeting Messrs Thos. Cooper, Gillies & Vale
Address to the Electors of Ballarat West
Messrs Thos Cooper, Gillies & Vale. Mayor Gilbert Duncan in the chair
 Exhibition BMI
Exhibition of minerals donated by Prof Abel.
This exhibition had been on show for some time but this is the 1st mention of it in the paper. On-going exhibition.
Prof Abel
 Soiree. St Andrews Church
Soiree in connection with the Annual Mtg.
 Society Meeting Ladies’ Benevolent Clothing Society.
Mtg to fill vacancies in the committee of management.
Sarah Downes, Hon Sec
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Industrial League
Public mtg to explain Ballarat Industrial League and advocating protection to native industry.
John Windle, Sec
 Ball St Patricks Church
Grand Ball in aid of the liquidation of the debt for St Patricks Church.
 Lecture Early Closing Association
“A Page or 2 of American History” – delivered by W.M.K. Vale MLA
W.M.K. Vale MLA
 Lecture Early Closing Association
“Abraham Lincoln” – delivered by Rev S.J. Holley.
In aid of the Early Closing Association
Rev S. J. Holley
 Political meeting Ballarat West Council
Ballarat West Election
Mr Vale
1866Exhibition Alexander Brothers
Wonders of the Heavens and Earth.
To be held 24th, 25th and 26th January 1866
Alexander Brothers
 Concert Ladies’ Benevolent Clothing Society
The Amateur Concert in aid of the Ladies’ Benevolent Clothing Society
Musical Director : Herr Carl Schmitt
 Lecture The Progress of Insurance Institutions 
 Exhibition Wax Flowers and Fruit 
 Exhibition Cressy and Ayers
Grand Pan Tecna Theca & American Diorama
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th & 19th February 1866
 Concert Mr Alfred McLaren
Vocal & instrumental concert.
Mr Alfred McLaren
 Performance Mons Labalestrier
Benefit for Mons Labalestrier
 Art Union Flintoff’s Art Union
Drawing of the Union
 Concert Cambrian Vocal Union
Grand Concert. By the Cambrian Vocal Union
 Concert Ballarat Choral Society
Opening Concert
Conductor – Herr Carl Schmitt
 Organization Meeting Ballarat District Bible and Tract Society
Committee Meeting
J. Sanderson was appointed Collector
 Lecture St Mary’s, Melbourne
“The Crusaders”.
Delivered by Rev R Potter, Incumbent of St Mary’s, Melbourne
Rev R Potter
1866Organization Meeting BMI
Committee Mtg
Messrs Downes (pres), O’Donnell, Pleydell, Elliott, Jones, Bowman, A.R. Smith, Anderson, Birtchnell, Fisher, O’Connor & Martin
1867Performance Miss Aitken & Mr T.P. Price
Elecutionary Entertainment
10th & 11th January 1867
Miss Aitken & Mr T.P. Price
 Concert Early Closing Association
Concert and Readings
 Performance Ballarat District Hospital
Recitations by Mr Walter Montgomery in aid of the Ballarat District Hospital and assisted by the Ballarat Harmonic Society
 Concert Mr Burnett’s last evening in Ballarat
Soiree and Concert
Mr Burnett’s last evening in Ballarat
 Lecture J.M. Bickett, Esq, M.M.B.
The Frontage System – delivered by J.M. Bickett, Esq, M.M.B.
 Concert District Orphan Asylum
Grand Concert for the benefit of the District Orphan Asylum
Julia Matthews
 Organization Meeting Ballarat and Bullarook Railway Scheme
Attended by 300 people and the Chairman of the Mining Board (Mr Bickett) occupied the chair
Mr Bickett
 Exhibition Fine Arts Exhibition – Art Union 
 Lecture YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)
Darwin’s Theory Exposed and Refuted – delivered by David Blair
David Blair
 Lecture Mrs Thomas
The Missing Link – delivered by Mrs Thomas, the Advocate of Temperance
 Lecture The Wizard Oil Prince
Humerous lecture
Admission free (Practical advertiser of “the wizard oil”)
5th, 6th and 7th August 1867
 Church Service United Presbyterian Church
Members disjoined from Ebenezer United Presbyterian Church, declare themselves to be a congregation under Rev. T. T. Walker
1868Organization Meeting Ballarat & Suburban Building Investment & Loan Society
Annual General Meeting
Samuel Figgis, Hon Sec
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly Mtg
E. Chapman – Sec; J.E. Lewis, Pres; Messrs Ross and Craig
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly Mtg
Messrs Lewis, Molloy, Worthington, Muller, Moss, D’Angri, Brice, Hamilton, Appleby, Sheppard, Nicholls, Elliott, Duncan, Rennie, Longley, Brewster, Phillips, Kingston
 Society Meeting Ladies’ Benevolent Clothing Society
Annual General Mtg
 Auction J.H. Knipe – auctioneer
Sale of jewellery etc. Goods saved from fire at Largard’s establishment, no 53 Bourke St, Melbourne
5/2/1868 and following days
J.H. Knipe – auctioneer

St Andrews Presbyterian church
Soiree in connection with the annual meeting of the congregation of St Andrew’s Presbyterian church.

Dr Cairns to address mtg and Rev Henderon to chair the mtg.

Dr Cairns
Rev Wm Henderson
 Performance The Great Australian Wizard.
Legerdemain, Necromancy & Prestidigitation
 Lecture Australian Sunken Vessels Recovery Company
Experimental lecture by Mr Macquay
 Organization Meeting BMI
Committee Mtg
The President and Messrs Elliott, Downes, Smith, Tweedie, Ditchburn, Anderson, Embling, Wheeldon, O’Connor, Birtchnell & Claxton
 Lecture BMI
“The Lakes of Central Africa and the Sources of the Nile; their probable influence on Christianity and Civilisation”, delivered by Rev J.D. Lang.
BMI Committee invited the lecturer to speak in aid of the Building fund
Rev. J.D. Lang
 Exhibition Mrs Forster
Exhibition from 6/8/1868 to 8/7/1868
Mrs Forster’s Exhibition
Prizes drawn
Mrs Forster
 Church Service United Presbyterian Church
Anniversary Service and Tea Mtg
Reverends R.T. Walker, McKenzie, Henderson, Watsford, Halley, Sutton, Dick, Daniel, Wilson, Evans, Hamiton and Ramsay
1869Organization Meeting Ballarat Orphan Asylum
Annual Mtg and committee elections
Henry Davies, sec. R.B. Gibbs
 Political meeting BMI
Ladies Clothing Association
District Benevolent Asylum
Public meeting to consider ways to help flood victims
Mr McDowell
 Concert Sebastopol Welsh Presbyterian Church
Concert in aid of Sebastopol Welsh Presbyterian Church
Gomer choir of Sebastopol
 Concert Ballarat Volunteer Rangers
Grand Complimentary Concert
 Organization Meeting BMI
Committee Mtg
Messrs Jones, Elliott, Wheeldon, seeley, Campbell, Claxton, Tweedie, O’Connor & Davey
 Lecture IOR Excelsior Tent
Delivered by James Orr, C.R.
James Orr
 Soiree. Christ Church
Grand Musical Soiree in aid of the Christ Church Sunday School
A.T. Turner, Messrs P. Cazaly, H.J. Amery, Nichols, Taylor, G. Moore, A.B. Burne, J. Nightingale, H. G. Nash, Austin Turner, Jas. Bunce & MIss Binder
 Society Meeting Ballarat Alliance Building and Investment Society
4th Annual Mtg
George Perry – Sec
 Soiree. Hon. W.M.K. Vale
Soiree and Presentation to Hon. W.M.K. Vale
The Mayor of Ballarat
 Concert Ballarat Volunteer Rangers
Proceeds to purchase new instruments for the drums and pipe band
Mr Nesbitt – Bandmaster
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
General monthly mtg
Messrs R. U. Nicholls, Chamberlain, D’Angri, Bruce, Phillips, Laidlaw, Ross, Herbert, S. Nicholls & Harvey
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly meeting
Messrs R.U. Nicholls, D. Herbert, R. Lewis, Jas Brewster & D. Laidlaw
1870Church Service Rev Mr Agnew
Divine Service
Rev Mr Agnew, the prison chaplain in NSW will preach. Services at 11am and 7.00 pm
Rev Mr Agnew
 Concert Ballarat Amateur Christy Minstrels; Brass Band no. 1 B.V.R.; The Welsh Choir
A benefit in aid of the widow and children of the late Mr William Hill
Ballarat Amateur Christy Minstrels; Brass Band no. 1 B.V.R.; The Welsh Choir; A. McLaren; T. Empson; H.F.F. Richardson
 Exhibition Thiodon’s Exhibition, Art and Wonders
Exhibition 3/11/1870 onwards
Mr T. Margetts.
Pianist – Madam Thiodon

Ballarat Harmonic Society


Ballarat Harmonic Societ
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Female Refuge
Annual Mtg
 Performance Grand Tableaux.
Life and Adventures of Tom Thumb
 Society Meeting Ballarat Harmonic Society
Weekly rehearsals held in the front room of the BMI
 Lecture ndependent Order of Rechabites
IOR Excelsior Tent Lecture
 Society Meeting Ballarat Harmonic Society
Practice Session
Mr A.T. Turner
 BMI Class BMI
Committee Mtg to establish School of Design
W.H. Batten, (Sec), Messrs Gaunt, McDermott, Caselli, Bickett, Sarjeant, McDowell, McCoy, Oakden, Stansfield, Jones, Dr Butler, Reverends Potter & Halley
 Society Meeting Society for Promotion of Morality
General Meeting
Drs Glendinning,Jakins and Embling
Ven Archdeacon Stretch (in the chair), Revs R.T. Cummins, J. Potter, Spencer,
J.M. Watson, Watsford & T. Williams.
Rev Mr McMichael (Hon Sec)
Messrs C. Megson , J.A. Doane, Wallis, J. Stocks, James, Halley, W.H. Barnard, R. Gladstone, W. Dimsey, J. Drummond, J. Oddie, & J. James
 Concert Ballarat Early Closing Association
Grand Promenade Concert
1871Organization Meeting 

Fortnightly Committee Mtg

5 Pound Donation from Sir Redmond Barry. Life Subscription from Mr John Winter from Laudendale

Messrs Anderson (President), King, Seeley, Hunter, Claxton, Thompson, Wheeldon & Jones
 Organization Meeting League for Proprietors of Property
Reformation of the League.
Relating to safety of buildings given the reworking of aurierous deposits.
James Oddie
 Lecture Mr B.F. Naylor
Mr B.F. Naylor
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly committee Mtg
Messrs Claxton, Thompson, Jones, Embling, Marshall, Huxton, Seeley & Whitelaw
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly Committee Mtg
Messrs Anderson (President), King, Thompson, Huddart, Hunter & Birtchnell
 Concert John Bryan
Benefit for
 Church Service Ballarat Auxiliary Bible Society
Annual sermon
Rev J.W. Inglis
 Society Meeting Ballarat Alliance Building Society
Annual Mtg
Pres Mr W. R. Watson, Committee members – Messrs Peake, Taylor, Christy, Gibson & Cuthbert
 Lecture I.O.R. Excelsior TentWm Coltman, Sec
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Woolen Cloth Factory
Mtg of Provisional Directors
James M. Mann – Hon Sec, Charles Seal
 Organization Meeting BMI
Committee Mtg
Messrs Anderson, King, Claxton, Jones, Whitelaw, Watson, Marshall, Seeley, Thompson, Huddart, Embling & Hinter.
 Concert BMI
Promenade Concerts – series 2, 19/9/1871 to 23/9/1871
Messrs Nash, Lamble, Evans, Miss Emmanuel, Signor Devoti & Donato – the 1 legged dancer.
1872Club Meeting Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Fortnightly Meeting
Messrs Anderson (President), Claxton, I.J. Jones, Huddart, Embling & Marshall.
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly Committee Mtg
Messrs Claxton (Pres), L.J. Jones, Anderson, Huddart, James, Embling, Thompson, Stansfield, Stephens, Bade, Marshall, Hy Harris * Monsieur Rayoux
 Auction James Oddie & Co
Superior household furniture and effects
 Organization Meeting Anglican Church
Conference of clergy and laity.
Bishop of Melbourne
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Farmer’s Club
Monthyl meeting
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly Committee Meeting
Mr. Claxton.
 Concert Cora de Lamond Female Magician.Mille Christina de Lamond
Master Willie
 Concert Rehearsals for Volunteer Rifles Concert. 
 Organization Meeting Meeting
Independent Order of Good Templars
 Concert The English Magnet Variety Troupe
Benevolent Asylum inmates (invited)
Prince of Wales Light Horse
Ballarat Rifle Rangers.
F. Clyton, Fanny Sara, Fred Clyton, Lottie &Frank & Victor Angell (2 brothers, 1 sister), J. Munyard, E. West, T. Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Paul, Frank Richardson, Buckley and Holly,Sarah Walker, J. H. Mount, Mr. Edward C. Moore, N. La Fevillade, J. Evans, Colonel Rede, Mr. Daniels, and Minnie Stanley.
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly Committee Meeting.
Messrs Claxton (Pres), Embling, I.J. Jones, Bade, Whitelaw, Stephens, Thompson, Stansfield and Marshall. J. Webb, Thos Bowman, Goodall, Mr. Ham, J.M. Davey, Alex Clark, Rev. W. Henderson.
 Auction F. M. Claxton & BMI 
1873Exhibition Bacheldor’s Pantascope
1/1/1873 to 4/1/1873
 Lecture BMI
“Charles Dickens” – delivered by Rev C. Clark
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly Committee Mtg
Messrs Marshall, Anderson, Hunter, James, Marshall, Davey, Thompson, Perry & Stansfield
 Concert Ballarat and Waverley Lodges, Order of St Andrew, S.C.
Benefit for the District Hospital
Concert and ball
John MacFarlane
Wm Graham
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Female Refuge
Annual mtg
M.J. Glendinning – Hon Sec
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly committee mtg
Messrs Claxton, Jones, Marshall, Jones, Hunter, Huddart, Stansfield, Anderson, Thompson, Stephens & Bade
 BMI Class BMI
School of Design
Second quarter commences
 Society Meeting Ballarat Alliance Building & Investment Society
8th Annual mtg
W. R. Watson – president
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly committee mtg
Messrs Claxton, Embling, Anderson, James, Bade, Jones, Stansfield, Thompson, Whitelaw, Campbell & Marshall
 Organization Meeting BMI
Fortnightly committee mtg
Messrs Claxton, Jones, Bade, Hunter, Marshall, Stansfield, Stephens, Embling & Huddart.
 Organization Meeting The Band of Hope and Albion Consols (Reg)R.H. Serjeant – manager
 Concert Mr S W M Lamble
Complimentary concert
R. Wicking – Hon Sec
50 performers
1874Organization Meeting Ballarat District Hospital
Annual Mtg
 Organization Meeting Committee Meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs Claxton, Marshall, Jones, Ackman, Bade, Rawlings, Jones, Watson, Anderson, Stephens, Stansfield & Marshall.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
 Organization Meeting Committee Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
Mr. C. Merton, Vice President.
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
General Mtg
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly mtg
 BMI Class BMI
School of design – new quarter starts
 BMI Class BMI
School of Design – continuing weekly
 Organization Meeting Special Committee MeetingMessrs Claxto, Marshall, Jones, Thompson, Ackman, Rawlings, Laby, Marshall, Hunter, Jones, Stephens, Bade, Perry, Stansfield & James.
 Organization Meeting Annual Meeting 
 Organization Meeting Annual MeetingM.J. Glendinning (Hon. Sec).
 Organization Meeting Committee Special Meeting 
1875Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society.
Monthly meeting of the
 Concert Benefit to Grace Egerton. 
 Organization Meeting Fortnightly meeting of the Committee
Ballarat Mechanics Institute School of Design Exhibition.
Messrs I.J. Jones, (V.P.); Thompson, Bade, James, Stansfield, Osborne, Rawlings, J.P. Marshall, Watson, Perry, Anderson, Mr. Claxton, Mr. A.J. Boulton, Mr. Cameron, Rev. E.J. Atkinson, Andrew Jack, George Armstrong, J.M. Davey.
 Organization Meeting Fortnightly meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs I.J. Jones, Stephens, Rawlings, Jack, Claxton, Bade, Osborne, Hunter & Perry. Mr. Alex Marshall, Mr. George Armstrong.
 Society Meeting Sons and Daughters of Temperance
Quarterly mtg oft he We Hope to Conquer Division
Br. A. Emham, WP; Br W. Gunner, WA; Br W.C. Bird, FS; Sister A. Wilkie, C; Br J.H. Williams, treasurer; Br N. Farnworth, C; Sister Gunner, A.C.; Sister B. Allan, T.S
 Concert Christ Church .
Promenade Concert for School Building and Sunday School Library.
 Concert Grand Concert
In aid of Organ Fund – St. Andrews Kirk
John Bell (Secretary).
 Organization Meeting BMI Fortnightly Meeting.Messrs Claxton (President), A. Marshall, I.J. Jones, Anderson, Stephens, J.P. Marshall, Osborne, Thompson, Rawlings, Perry, Bade, James, Joseph Jones and Stansfield.
 Performance The Harmonic Society – a performance of Bohemian Girl. 
 Society Meeting Annual Meeting
Ballarat Permanent Building & Investment Society
Mr. W. Cameron, (Chair), Mr. C.C. Shoppee, Mr. C. Davis, Messrs Richard Gibbings, Jacob Thomas, Charles Lovegrove, Edward Towl, Messrs F. Tayler, Chas. Eyres.
 Organization Meeting Fortnightly Committee Meeting,
Ballarat Mechanics Institute, Sebastopol Mechanics Free Library,
Glasgow Athaneum,
Manchester Mechanics Institution.
Messrs A. Marshall, (Pres.); Thompson, I.J. Jones, Bade, Stephens, Stansfield, Rawlings, Hunter, Cameron, Claxton, Perry, J.P. Marshall, Anderson, Joseph Jones & James. Mr. Pinkerton, John Presley, Henry Eyles.
 Performance Spelling Bee
His Worship the Mayor, Herr Tolmaque, Leading Citizens
27/8/1875 – 28/8/1875.
D. Brophy, esq. (Mayor); J.P. O’Dee, W.S. Spring, F.J. Thomas, Herr Tolmaque, Mr. F.E. Hiscocks, Mr. W.T. Keith, Mr. Caselli, Mr. G. Lovitt, Mr. Glover, Mr. T. Russell, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Baird, Mr. Shortt.
 Society Meeting General meeting
Ballarat Christmas Carnival Committee
Mr. H.R. Nicholls, Hon. J.R. Humffray, F. Wheeler, J.J. Fitzgerald, J.R. Braithwaite, C. Tenbrink, S. Walker, F. Parker, W. Luplow, H. Davies, Mr. Speerin, Mr. Gellatly, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Irwin, G. Smith, W. Eyres, J.W. Gray, C.C. Shopee, Robt.Lewis W. Scott, Mr. Bagshawe, Mr. Robson.
1876Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Society
Monthly mtg
 Auction Auction of Paintings and Photographs.
Ballarat Mechanics Institute.
F.M. Claxton (Auctioneer).
   Drawing of Prizes in Art Union.
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery.
S.C. Steel.
 Concert Grand Concert to raise money for Buninyong fire victims.The Mayor and Councillors of the City of Ballarat, Ballarat East, Sebastopol and Buninyong.
 Concert Recital of Macbeth
In aid of St. Paul’s School Building Fund.
John Robson.
 Art Union Bardwell’s Art Union
8th Drawing
 Eisteddford St David’s Day EisteddfordTheos Williams
 Organization Meeting A meeting for tradesman favourable to the formation of a Coupon Trading Company.Ware Copeland, Convenor
 Exhibition Fine Arts Exhibition in aid of the Library Fund.W.H. Batten (Secretary).
 Society Meeting Meeting
Cazaly Complimentary Concert Committee
Mr. P. Cazaly, Mr. Brophy (Chair); Mr. R. Lewis (Hon. Treas.); Mr. R. Wreford (Hon. Sec.); Mr. Caselli, Mr. Wright, Rev. J.W. Inglis, Messrs A.H. King, Jas. Nichol, Alex White, Jas. Long, J. Bracher, R. Baker, W. Irwin, Wm. Hamilton, Henry Brind, C.C. Shoppee, F. Russell, John McCleod, John McPhillimy, Mr. Gilbert Duncan, Mr. Oddie, Mr. Robert Lewis, Mr. Roff, George Lovitt, Messrs A.T. Turner, W.M. Little, W.H. Uren, Andrew Brown, Thos. King, J. Curtis, H. Davies, Thomas, Bruun, S. Wrigley, R. Wrigley, Furlong, Jones, G. Morris, Gray, Ayres, Claxton, W.P. Martin.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society.
J. Ware (Secretary).
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting.
Ballarat Horticultural Society.
 Concert Fine Arts Exhibition
La Fevillade and Buckley’s Great Anglo-American Company.
18/9/1876 – 23/9/1876
Misses May Vivian, Kate Herbert, Lily Clifford, Mr. Tom Buckley, Frank Medina, T.B. Brown, Mr. N. La Fevillade, F. Ingmire.
1877Concert Concert and Ball in aid of the
City & Town Drum & Fife Band.
Ballarat East Ethiopian Minstrels – The Hibernian Band.
 Concert Complimentary Benefit Concert 
 Organization Meeting Special Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
J. Ware, (Sec); Messrs Nicholls, Gray, Hogan, Laidlaw, Engeler, Ross, Cook, Reid, Wood, Campbell, Cadden.
 Organization Meeting Annual General Meeting
Ballarat Swimming Club
James Walker, (Hon. Secretary).
 Organization Meeting Welsh Eisteddfod
Theophilus Williams, (Hon. Sec.); Mr. R. Lewis.
 Lecture “The Publican’s Act – Its Injustice & Probable Effects”.W.J. Martell.
 Political meeting Address to electors of Ballarat West.Hon. Major Smith
 Organization Meeting Special Meeting
Ballarat Permanent Building and Investment Society.
Samuel Figgis – Secretary.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
Messrs J. Nicholls, Cadden, Wood, Campbell, Hogan, D’Angri, Engeler, Weir, Reid, Laidlaw, Ross, Antcliffe & Brewster.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society.
J. Ware, (Sec.); Messrs Nicholls, Laidlaw, Longley, Engeler, Ross, D’Angri, Kenny, Herbert, Campbell, Rennie, Reid, Hogan, Rattray & Gray.
 Organization Meeting Annual Meeting of Subscribers
Female Refuge
Rev. R.T. Cummins, Chairman.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
J. Ware, (Sec.); Messrs Anderson, Nicholls, Rattray, Engeler, Ross, Kenny, Herbert, Gray, Reid, Campbell, Hogan, Laidlaw, Rennie, Cadden & Wood.
 Organization Meeting Meeting to enrol members
Ballarat Amateur Opera Company
Alex Marshall, Hon. Sec.
1878Organization Meeting Ballarat District Orphan Asylum
Annual Meeting of Governors and Subscribers
 Concert Grand ConcertMr. David Thomas, Misses M.H. Davies, A.E. Edwards, Rebekah Baring, Georgina Thomas, L. Williams, Lizzie Scott, Mrs Thomas, Messrs J. Roberts, Heriot, Gent, A. Carnegie, Mr. J. Mc Phillimy, Mr. A.M. Kissock, Mr. L. Richardson.
 Auction Auction of Fancy GoodsR.G. Bachelder, esq; F.M. Claxton (Auctioneer).
 Concert Grand Concert
Ballarat Mechanics Institute.
Miss Ada Willetts, Mr. Ericole Ortori(Violinist); Mrs. Carter, Miss Davies (Harpist); Mr. W. Burton, Mr. T. Jones, Mr. L. Richardson (Conductor).
 Private class Singing lessons.
For 25 weeks.
Mr. J.G. Lennox
 Concert St. Patricks Day Festival.Mrs. Furlong, Mrs. Hurst, Misses Stone, Davies, Sandford, Worrell, Askwith. Messrs Harley, Burton, Roberts, Wilkinson, Furlong, Cazaly, W.H. Corbett, Morgan & T. King.
 Lecture Lecture on Scottish Songs and Song Writers.Rev. J.W. Inglis & Rev. Wm Henderson
 Lecture Scientific Illustrations.
Illustrations in Electricity.
Hon. Major Smith, John Palmer Esq, Hon. Graham Berry, Chief Secretary.
 Concert Madame Cora & Company.
3rd – 29th June 1878.
Kate Russell, Mr. Hart & Madame Cora.
 Lecture Kingsley’s Grand Panorama of the Russo-Turkish War
4/7/1878 & 5/7/1878.
Mr. Holland Saxon.
 Society Meeting Annual Meeting
Ballarat Ladies’ Benevolent Clothing Society
M.Y. Hill, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. Figgis, Rev. W. Henderson.
 Auction Auction of Furniture, Pianos & Sewing Machines etc.F.M. Claxton, Auctioneer
1879Organization Meeting Annual General Meeting
Ballarat District Hospital
 Concert “Our Girls and Aladdin”.Hall’s Byronic Comedy Company.
 Organization Meeting Ballarat Mechanics Institute.Messrs Stephens, (President); Rawlings, A. Marshall, Downes, McWhae, Thompson, O’Reardon, Wheeler, Langdon, J.P. Marshall.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting.
Ballarat Horticultural Society.
J. Ware, (Secretary).
 Society Meeting Ballarat Horticultural Meeting 
 Function St. Patricks Grand Ball
St. Patricks Day Committee
 Organization Meeting Committee Meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs Thompson, (Pres.,); James, Stansfield, Thompson, Downes, Wheeler, Bickett, McWhae, Brown, Langdon, Mackay, Rawlings & Marshall.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Committee MeetingMessrs Andrew Anderson (Chair), Laidlaw, Nicholls, Herbert, Ross, Longley, Kenny, Campbell, Wood, Higgans, Hogan Taylor n& Rattray.
 BMI Class Phonetic Shortart Course
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
David Glass, teacher.
 Church Service Mr. Campbell’s Special Services.Mr. Campbell, Bush Missionary.
 Organization Meeting Cornish Relief Fund.Thomas Richards, (Secretary).
 Organization Meeting Committee Meeting.
Ballarat Mechanics Institute.
Messrs Stephens, (President); Jack, Stansfield, Rawlings, Thompson, O’Reardon, Brown, A. Marshall, McWhae, Downes, Wheeler, Langdon, J.P. Marshall.
1879,BMI Class Shorthand Classes
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
David Glass, teacher
1880Organization Meeting Annual Meeting
Ballarat District Hospital
Charles J. Burrows, (Secretary).
 Performance Mr. Henry Ketter 
 Lecture An Evening Among Books
St. John’s Church.
Rev. J.W. Inglis.
 Society Meeting Monthly Committee Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
 Organization Meeting Fortnightly Committee Meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs James, (Pres.); Stansfield, J.P. Marshall, Stephens, Jack, Rawlings, Bickett, A. Marshall, O’Reardon, Thompson, Mackay, Wheeler & Downs.
 Political meeting Ballarat West Election 
 Society Meeting Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
 Recital Baker’s Original Musical Entertainment
H.A.C.B. Society
D. Brohpy, W.F. Baker, Tom Moore – the Band of Ireland.
1881Lecture Past, Present and Future of Australasia; Free Trade v Protection, the Early Days of Ballarat, etc.
J.M. Meek
 Organization Meeting Committee meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs James, Stansfield, J.P. Marshall, Brown, McWhae, A. Marshall, Date, O’Reardon, Jack, Bickett & Rawlings, Messrs Wheeler & Thompson. Mr. G.T. Roberts, Finnis & Beck.
 Organization Meeting Committee meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs Stansfield, Bickett, Thompson, Rawlings, Downes, Brown, Stephens, Jack, Wheeler, McWhae, J.P. Marshall, James & Langdon.
 Organization Meeting Monthly meeting
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs James, Stansfield, J.P. Marshall, O’Reardon, Date, Rawlings, Bickett, A. Marshall, McWhae, Wheeler, Stephens, Messrs T.H. Thompson, Langdon & Mr. Atkinson.
 Auction Auction of Mirrors and EngravingsF.M. Claxton
 Concert A Grand Entertainment
The Ballarat City Minstrels
Ballarat Drum & Fife Band.
1882Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
Messrs Nicholls, Ross, Herbert, Taylor, Phillips, Campbell & Reid.
 Organization Meeting General Meeting
Engine Driver’s Association
Andrew Forrester, (Sec); Mr. Anthony, (Vice Pres.).
 Organization Meeting “The Revised Edition of the New Testament”
Eclectic Association of Ballarat
Mr. Smith, R. Lorimer, (Hon. Sec.).
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Engine Driver’s Association
A. Forrester, (Sec.).
 Lecture “America and Some Americans”.C.E. Jones
 Concert Grand Concert
Catholic’s of Redan & Sebastopol
Very Rev. Dr. Moore, V.G.
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
Messrs G. Perry, Nicholls, Ross, H.C. Herbert, C. Herbert, D. Herbert, Reid, Gray, Rennie, Phillips & Wood.
 Organization Meeting Meeting
Eclectic Association of Ballarat
John Towers, esq., R. Lorimer, (Hon. Sec.).
 Organization Meeting Half-Yearly Meeting
Engine Driver’s Association
Andrew Forrester, (Sec.).
 Organization Meeting “Female Education”
Eclectic Association of Ballarat
Miss Walsh, R. Lorimer, (Hon. Sec.); C.B. Finlayson, (Pres.).
 Organization Meeting Monthly Meeting
Engine Driver’s Association
Andrew Forrester, (Sec.).
 Organization Meeting Discussion of paper “The Land Laws of Ireland”
Ecclectic Association of Ballarat
Mr. Lynch, R. Lorimer, (Hon. Sec.).
1883Organization Meeting Special Meeting
Mineowner’s Association
Messrs Gore, English, Randell, Batten, Rawlings, Bickett, Serjeant & Baker.
 Organization Meeting General meeting
“The Practical Results of Christianity” – James Vallins.
The Eclectic Association of Ballarat
R. Lorimer, (Sec).
 Lecture “Lincoln and Garfield”
C.E. Jones
C.E. Jones
 Organization Meeting Meeting: “Bible reading in State Schools”
Eclectic Association of Ballarat
Mr. Alderton, R. Lorimer, (Hon. Sec.).
 Organization Meeting Monthly meeting
Ballarat Horticultural Society
J. Ware, (Sec.).
 Soiree Soiree, Concert & Recitals.
St. Andrew’s Sunday School (Building Fund).
 Organization Meeting Monthly meeting
Ballarat Engine Driver’s Association
Andrew Forrester (Sec); Mr. John Anthony (Chair).
1884Concert Picnic Portraits.Mr. Fleming Norton.
 Organization Meeting Committee meeting
Ballarat Swimming Club
Messrs Abrahams; Smith; Williams; Graham; Gross; Lansley; Bennett; Claxton & Josephs.
 Lecture “The Faces we meet and How to Read Them”.Prof. Gilbert.
 Organization Meeting Committee meeting
Ballarat Swimming Club
 Concert Christian Brothers Schools Football Club
Miscellaneous Entertainment
 Exhibition Collection of Shells & Curios
Joseph Flatow
Joseph Flatow
 Organization Meeting Committee Meeting
Ballaarat Mechanics Institute
Messrs Brown; Jack; McWhae; Rawlings; Downes; Stephens; Bickett; O’Reardon; Date; Achison; Wheeler; Thompson; Finlayson; Marshall & Langdon.
 Concert “Mysteria”
Messrs Lewis & Morris
11/7/1884 to 14/7/1884
 Organization Meeting “Bring Case Before Parliament”
Friends of the James Esmond
Mr. James Esmond
 Organization Meeting Annual Meeting
Ballarat Swimming Club
Fred. Claxton, Hon. Sec.
1891Concert BMI
Grand Promenade concert & polytechnic entertainment – series 1.
11/9/1871 to 16/9/1871
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