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Uncovering some of Ballarat's best minds.

Session 1
Back to the future: Science fiction to science fact.

Graeme Hood

Amateur historian and retired electrical engineer on the astounding life of Ballarat’s gentleman inventor, Henry Sutton.

Graeme Hood
Graeme Hood

Asoc. Prof. Peter Vamplew

Peter is from the School of Engineering, Federation University his subject will be on the rise of artificial intelligence and it’s amazing potential for our lives.

Assoc. Prof. Peter Vamplew

Series Artwork: 

Glass Plate, Henry Sutton, Colour Photograph, 1890s 
Courtesy Federation University Historical Collection.

Artwork Plate Viewer: 

Don’t miss seeing the ‘viewer’ that Henry Sutton created the series artwork on, on display in the Library.

Courtesy: Federation University Historical Collection.

Plate Viewer, The Junior Kromskop, c1899

The session will take place in the Humffray Room, Level 4, though this will depend on final numbers.

Bar open from 5.00pm | Talk starts at 5.30pm

Tickets | Session Cost

The session cost is $12 per person | $10 per person for BMI members.

Views: 6

BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing