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Image: Seville Oranges (detail) | Geoff Roderick

A workshop in painting basics.

In these sessions Geoff will be using water based artists quality Gouache (poster paint).
Geoff sites five reasons for choosing this medium to teach.
  1. It is opaque, (unlike watercolour which is transparent) this means freedom of expression as it’s easy to cover any marks not needed or wish to change. The tube colours are mixed with each other and white to create shades and tones (as  in oil painting) these exercises could lead a student on to other mediums such as oils or acrylics.
  2. It’s very quick drying. It is generally used on paper. It can be painted over immediately with other colours. It dries to a matt finish.
  3. It can be applied in different thicknesses over and over each colour, making it easier to learn and experiment with colours, shapes and composition.
  4. Being water based, cleaning of brushes and any spills or drips on clothes will wash out easily.
  5. He has had 40 years experience with this beautiful painting medium.

What Geoff will supply

For initial classes he will supply:

  • plastic palate,
  • brush,
  • prepared paper A4 size
  • and, Primary colours and white Gouache paints.
  • He will also provide water glasses and rags for cleaning brushes.

What you will learn

We propose to set up a simple still life for the students to learn the elements of painting ie.

  • Colour
  • Tone
  • Temperature
  • Intensity
  • Shape & Texture
Four part series

The series of workshops will be structured to suit each attendees standard. There is a clear advantage in being able to attend all sessions to make the most of Geoff’s experience as a tutor.

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more about Geoff Roderick
Purchase & confirmation

To attend these sessions the cost is $33 per session (price includes GST), discounts apply to BMI members and seniors. This workshop will have a limit of 6 attendees per session. 


Other payment options

If you do not wish to pay on-line please contact the Library on (03) 5331 3042 or email to reserve your place.

Community Art Project

If you have an idea for a Community Art Project then we would like to hear from you.

This workshop is a BMI Community Art Project – Ballarat’s Oldest Cultural Institution

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BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing