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The Yarrowee: Uncovering the secrets of the Ballarat River

Session 5

From eel traps to bluestone, our changing use of the Yarrowee

BMI Twilight Talks are back! The series is hosted by Prue Bentley.

Prue Bentley

The bluestone channel

The bluestone channel, which winds its way through the city of Ballarat is a remarkable example of Victorian Blue stone construction. Built to manage the rapid rise and fall of flood waters, which plagued the area around Bridge st, the development of the causeway was a critical component in managing outbreaks of typhus through preventing the mixing of contaminates with drinking water in 1870s Ballarat. In the bluestones of the eastern channel. over sixty different masons’ or ‘bankers’ marks are carved into the hard bluestone of the channel.

This talk will give an overview of the channel and it’s history and discuss the significance of the marks on the bluestone, which is unusual given the increasing obsolescence of the practice in England in the same period.

Dr David Waldron | Senior Lecturer in History, Federation University

Aboriginal weirs and fish traps of Central Victoria 

In the 19th century Associate Professor (Dr) Fred Cahir is an award-winning teacher and researcher in Aboriginal History at Federation University Australia. He lives and works on Wadawurrung Country. His research focuses on exploring the valuable contribution that Aboriginal knowledge can provide to Australia’s heritage tourism, resource management and health and education sectors.

Dr Fred Cahir | Researcher in Aboriginal History, Federation University


The bar in the Humffray Room (level 4) will be open from 5pm.

Tickets | Session cost

The session cost is $8 per person BMI members | $12 per person general bookings.

Win a double pass to this Season’s Twilight Talks


What do you love about our Yarrowee River?

We’re collecting stories, pictures, and memories of life on and by the Yarrowee River for our latest series of Twilight Talks, focussing on this important local waterway.

Post your story or picture below, send a message to the BMI Facebook inbox, or complete the form below.

Each week from 10th April we’ll give away a double pass to that week’s talk.

So tell us your tales, and share your pictures!

Artwork Image: Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute | Max Harris Image Collection  | Albert Hall, 1953 (detail) | MH1615

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BMI Fundraiser

The Hideaways,
The Harmonies &
Surf Shadows. 

2 course dinner & lots
of dancing